QB-Kit Download links

List of all available download options for QB-Kit mobile app suite. The app is available on iOS, MacOS and Android stores. All future updates will be handled automatically.


iOS (version 12 and above)iPhoneApple App Store  
iPad OS (version 12 and above)iPadApple App Store  
MacOS (macOS 12 Monterey)MacBook & iMac with M1 ChipsApple App Store  
Android (version 26 Oreo and above)Android PhonesGoogle Play Store  
Android (version 26 Oreo and above)Android TabletsGoogle Play Store  
  Open  https://www.onelink.to/qb-kit   on your device to automatically redirect to relevant store.

Do i have to pay for the app?

No, You do not need to pay for downloading the app. You can subscribe for 7 days free trial to try the app for additional add-ons. If you like the app you can continue with your subscription.

No, you don't have to be an advanced Quickbase user to start utilizing the app. The app comes with an easy-to-use, fully labeled, DIY (do it yourself) setup wizard for each add-on. Just follow along with the setup wizard & you will be ready to use any add-on in no time!

Your data will be in Quickbase. The app uses Quickbase API to connect with your data. Feel free to ask us questions or reach your IT department to test app integrity. Moreover, there is no API delete call in the whole app, so your data can never be deleted from within the app.

You will receive automatic updates and will be managed by the app store or play store. Sometimes for major updates, your app will require you to install an update before it can work further, only then you are forced to download a new update. Updates are pushed every month which have new enhancements, features, or bug fixes.

The desktop/laptop supported version of the app is only available for macOS running on Apple ARM-based M1 (and above) chips.

Yes, please!. We are happy to listen to all our customers' requirements. Please share your feedback and suggestions directly from within the app or email us at info@arkone.dev. We will be happy to help you or reply to your feedback/suggestions.

We offer custom app development as well. Please contact us at info@arkone.dev email address.

Download the App from

Apple App Store or Google Play Store today

Available for Mobile and Tablet devices

NO additional Registration, Credit-Card, or Commitment

app store iconplay store icon

Do i have to pay for the app?

No, You do not need to pay for downloading the app. Moreover, your get 7 days free trial. You can subscribe for additional add-ons.

No, you don't have to be an advanced Quickbase user to start utilizing the app. The app comes with an easy-to-use, fully labeled, DIY (do it yourself) setup wizard for each add-on. Just follow along with the setup wizard & you will be ready to use any add-on in no time!

Your data will be in Quickbase. The app uses Quickbase API to connect with your data. Feel free to ask us questions or reach your IT department to test app integrity. Moreover, there is no API delete call in the whole app, so your data can never be deleted from within the app.

Copyright © 2023 ArkOne Software., QB-KIT is a application build by ArkOne Software. India.   Quickbase  is a registered trademark of Quickbase, Inc. This site is not affiliated with Quickbase, Inc.